SiLAS May Newsletter – COVID Trauma Informed Care/ACES

The Importance of Mental Health During the Pandemic 

According to the World Economic Forum, 1.5 billion children are out of school and 99% of children have had their daily movements and routines disrupted due to the Coronavirus. It comes as no surprise the current situation is having some degree of a negative impact on the mental health and well-being of every child-every human being-around the globe. Of Greater concern are those children who were already experiencing obstacles effecting their overall wellbeing. These struggles are now magnified exponentially when other factors such as; financial uncertainty, increased stressors within the family dynamics, substance abuse, by either the caregivers or the child himself/herself, and increased responsibility placed upon the child. 

Understanding Trauma

Trauma is an individual’s involvement in a deeply distressing or disturbing event. First and foremost, as adults, we must understand each and everyone of us has experienced trauma to some degree throughout our lives. Amid this novel virus outbreak, the vast majority of the population’s brains are being “rewired” as we speak in response to the daily trauma accompanying the current situation.  As educators and mental health practitioners, it is imperative we understand the effects trauma has on one’s brain development. This brief video provides information regarding  Effects of Trauma on the Brain.

Trauma Informed Care

Trauma informed care is a method where practitioners approach every individual as if they have experienced trauma. Trauma Informed Care is designed to decrease the likelihood re-traumatization will occur. The Five Principles of Trauma Informed Care are; safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and empowerment. Want to learn more? Visit the following Trauma Informed Care and ACES Assessment sites. 

Addressing Compensatory Services and/or Extended School Year (ESY)? 

The Federal and State Education Departments have recognized the immense difficulty facing teachers when implementing and assessing progress for SEL skills in the current learning environment. Due to these extenuating circumstances, many schools are holding Case Conferences to determine if their student is entitled to ESY and/or compensatory hours. Whether these services are scheduled to take place virtually, in person or a combination of the two; SiLAS’ curriculum is able to meet the needs of both students and professionals.  Our distance learning has been modified into short daily SEL lessons.  We have also added our Create Link so that teachers can give students the ability to create SiLAS movies at home.  

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