SiLAS and Trauma Informed Care

Asking what happened to a child is far more effective than asking what is wrong with the child. This paradigm shift is heavily influenced by Trauma Informed Care.

According to Rethink

  • Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. 
  • ​56% of adults in the US with a mental illness did not receive treatment
  • 27,985 children aged 14-21 with autism, emotional disturbance or other health impairments including ADHD drop out of school each year.

What are we doing to combat this issue?

 With more and more students facing adversity, a child’s mental and emotional health has suffered. Trauma informed schools; search for understanding the impact trauma has on the brain, learn how to recognize trauma in students and families and what types of interventions can support the individual(s). Using the Adverse Childhood Experience Screener (ACES), educators can gather information on what a child has experienced. They higher the score, the more traumatic incidents a person has often leads to more social, emotional and mental health support they require. 

When a student’s emotional needs are not addressed, the likelihood increases that they may drop out, participate in deviant behavior and struggle finding employment. This is a direct correlation to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Trauma Informed Care’s principles include; a feeling of safety, support, trust, empowerment and collaboration. Once these pillars are in place healing is able to begin.   

SiLAS is excited to offer a Trauma Informed Toolbox that will be ready for fall 2021.  The toolbox includes pre-recorded professional development trainings that offers four modules relating to trauma; 

  • Neuroanatomy
  • Trauma Informed Framework
  • Executive Functioning
  • Brain-Aligned instruction 

In addition to the modules, users will have access to the last research information, lesson plans, consumables and resources supporting. SiLAS continues to be committed to providing the most relevant and meaningful content in the world of education. Our team will continue to provide free professional development and technical support pertaining to current content. Our team will also add Trauma Informed Care training to existing clients at no additional cost!

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