User Spotlight: Terese Manalansan


At SiLAS, we know how talented and passionate our users are. That is why we are committed to showcasing these amazing educators and how they’re using SiLAS to improve student learning!

This post’s User Spotlight is Terese Manalansan. Terese is a Speech Language Pathologist who supports students in both large and one-on-one integrated classroom settings at the Center for Lifelong Learning in New Jersey.

Below are Terese’s thoughts on SiLAS: 

  1. What was your first impression of SiLAS? 

My first impression of SiLAS was that finally a social skills program I can use with a lot of my students, because it covered so many bases from the basics to the advance. From building relationships to vocational settings. 

  1. How do your students/clients feel about SiLAS?

My students love SiLAS! They love role playing, acting out the comic strips and acting out situations though their avatars. They love the autonomy on changing their identity through their avatars; picking the backgrounds and situations their avatars will act in and they love hearing their voices through them.

  1. What component of the curriculum is your favorite? 

My favorite component is the flexibility of the lessons and the range of skills it can teach. Different students of different ages are able to benefit and learn from the lessons outlined. The support provided per lesson facilitates understanding of abstract social concepts that is typically difficult to teach.

  1. What has been your favorite SiLAS story or experience? 

A lot of my students come alive when using the Avatar feature of the program. On a regular basis they are frequently prompted to engage in conversation. They require prompting to initiate, and maintain a conversation and other social skills. Ryan, one of our students, particularly uses different voices and intonations to make his character come alive. Last year he won a pizza party for his classroom where his classmates were able to watch the movies they all made and Ryan’s winning entry. It was such a proud day for Ryan and the parents were also thrilled.

  1. Is there anything else you would like to share? 

I look forward to more curriculum development in the future!